The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Ken Birks, Teacher

The Purpose of this study is to show the importance of having a vital and ongoing relationship and friendship with the person of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit and His Divine Association with the Father and the Son.

The Holy Spirit Is Just as Much God as the Father and the Son Are.  He Is a Distinct Personality.  

Jesus Said That the Holy Spirit Would Represent Him in Every Way. 

He came to came to take Jesus' place and in so doing He fulfills the ministry of Jesus on the earth.  In order to do this He must be equal to Jesus; and He must be a person.  The Holy Spirit is the silent member of the eternal Godhead.  By that we mean He never projects Himself He always glorifies God the Father and God the Son.

The Holy Spirit Has Divine Attributes.

The same essential and moral attributes ascribed to the Father and the Son are also ascribed to the Holy Spirit.  This could only be so if the Holy Spirit is indeed a Divine person.

The Holy Spirit Is Called God. 

The Holy Spirit is eternal

The Holy Spirit Is Omnipotent or (All-Powerful).

The Holy Spirit Is Omniscient or (All-Knowing).

The Holy Spirit Is Omnipresent (Everywhere-Present).

Other Attributes And Works Of The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit was active in the creation of the world - Genesis 1:1-2.

The Holy Spirit is active In The regeneration of fallen man - John 3:3-5.

The Holy Spirit is actively involved in the resurrection of the body - Romans 8:11.

The Holy Spirit was active in the inspiration of Scripture - 2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21

The Holy Spirit has a mind - Romans 8:21.

The Holy Spirit has a will - 1 Corinthians 12:11.

The Holy Spirit has emotions - Romans 15:30.

Holy Spirit in Our Lives.

The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus.

The whole life of Jesus as a perfect Man was governed by the Spirit.  If Jesus depended upon the Holy Spirit in such a manner, how much more should the believers constantly depend upon the Holy Spirit.  All that God has for us and wants to do in our lives will only be done by the operation of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Therefore it is of utmost importance for believers individually and the church corporately to open their hearts to seek the fullness of the Spirit working in them.

The Holy Spirit in The Life Of The Believer.

The Holy Spirit is your helper. 

It Is Through The New Birth That The Spirit Enters Into Our Lives.

It Is Through The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit That We Are Empowered.

God's desire is to fill each one of us with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we too can go forth performing the works of God and be led by His Holy Spirit to do all that He has for us.  We must realize that we need His ministry in our lives, because, like Jesus, we too, can do nothing of ourselves.  Our sufficiency and strength is in Him.

The Holy Spirit's Ministry in Our Lives.

He Imparts the Divine Revelation Of God Into Our Spirits.

He Reveals To Us The Things That Have Been Freely Given To Us By God.

He Leads & Guides Us Into God's Will & Our Ministries.

The Holy Spirit Gives Us Victory Over Sin.

Yield yourself to the power of the Holy Spirit and the purpose and will of God and you will begin to experience His help and ministry in your lives on a permanent basis.  If you yield to Him and allow Him to speak to your heart through His gentle promptings you will find Him leading you through life's many snares and into the purpose of God for your lives.

The Holy Spirit and His Gifts.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit will bring forth the fullness of His ministry in our lives. It is through the gifts of the Spirit that we are able to minister effectively one to another and to receive the help of the comforter in our lives.

The Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit Are Released Through His Gifts.

The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Revelation Gifts.

The Power Gifts.

The Vocal Gifts.

Throughout the New Testament, we also see God as a God who desires to speak to His children.  In the Gospels He spoke to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, but now that He has ascended unto the throne of God, He now speaks to us through the Holy Spirit.  Prophecy, tongues and interpretation of tongues are the vocal gifts of the Holy Spirit that God uses to speak to us as a people.