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Free Sermon Outlines, Pentecostal Online Bible Studies

Free Sermon Outlines, Pentecostal Bible Studies, Online Notes, Materials
From Bible Teacher, Ken Birks

Free Christian audio messages currently now available online free in WMA format by Ken Birks

For the Free Topical Christian Sermons you would like to listen to, please click on the links to the left or below.

Contact Ken Birks

Avoiding the Comparison Trap

The Stuff Dreams are Made of
speaking in tongues
Free Sermon Outlines, Christian, Bible Study Notes, Studies and Files Available in Word or PDF Files
The Following Bible Studies are just a sample of what are available
The Godhead or Trinity
The Doctrine of Eternal Security
The Person of the Holy Spirit
The Glorious Body of Christ
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
The Grace of God
Predestination, Election & Foreknowledge  

The Healing Covenant

More Bible studies notes are available by clicking here
2 Question Test Reveals the Answer - Click Here Now

Vision, Pupose & Destiny Studies
Featured Message Outlines of The Month

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Ken Birks Podcast
Christian Audio Sermons Online Free from the Archives
Study Notes
Online Messages
Message Notes
Statement of Faith
Charismatic Perspective
Christian Podcasts
Ken's Testimony

Study materials , 
Corey Russell
Special Featured Speaker
Corey Russell from International House of Prayer Mission's Base in Kansas City Listen to this message. You'll be blessed!
Pursuit of the Holy
Audio - Podcast

Featured Online Audio Message
Being a Christian in a Non-Christian World

The free topical audio messages from a Pentecostal and Charismatic perspective below are online messages that have been preached over the past twenty years or so of which are still very relevant for today's Christian and have now been made available in WMA format.  Please avail yourself to these edifying messages. You will find them very encouraging as they serve to strengthen your faith in God.  May God bless you as you press into the high calling of God!

For a complete list Click Here

Church Affiliation
House of Prayer
Harp & Bowl Worship
Ministry Links
More Messages are available by clicking here
Site Map
Roseville Churches
Video Conferencing
Kona Coffee
Hawaii Vacations
There are also a number of free sermon outlines available by clicking on the appropriate link above.  You will find outlines on a number of subjects such as healing, spiritual strongholds, faith, victory, abundant living, destiny, grace, repentance, dealing with difficulties and much more. New stuff is being added all the time, so check back often.

Featured Bible Study

The Rapture Question
Meet Joe Christian
Jesus Christ
Rapture Study Notes

Ken Birks is an ordained Pastor/Teacher in the Body of Christ and is one of the staff pastors at The Rock of Roseville in Roseville, California where he also functions as an elder.  Ken has been a part of The Rock of Roseville Church since its inception in 1997 and has been a born again Christian for over 30 years.

Ken’s primary gift is that of a Bible Teacher.  He teaches the Word of God with passion and balance.   He has an intense desire to impart a genuine love and appreciation for God’s Word.  He believes he is called to teach and preach God’s word in way that helps to shape and influence the minds and hearts of God’s people which produces good Christian character..

If these material have been a blessing to you, please take the time
to click on the "Vote Now" button


The above Messages and Studies are just a few that are available here online.
For more resources click on the appropreiate link
Please note that the views expressed by Ken Birks are not necessarily the views held by the
Rock of Roseville

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