What it means to trust in Jesus Christ

You may invite Jesus to come and live inside of you
by sincerely praying the following prayer 

(Please do this out loud) Romans 10:9-10)

Sinners Prayer

"Lord Jesus...

I want to stop trusting in myself... and start trusting in You... and what you have already done... when you died on the cross.  I know that I am a sinner... and I am sorry for my sins.  I ask You to forgive me.. and I invite you to come and live inside of me.  I want You to be my Lord... and Savior... which means being #1 in my life.  I want to repent and turn away... from everything You and the Bible call sin... and I totally commit myself... to obeying You... everyday, for the rest of my life.

What it means to trust in Jesus Christ