Sermon Outlines, Free Bible Studies, Lessons, Podcasts, Audio Messages
Sermon Outlines Bible Studies Audio About Ken Biblical Poetry Newsletters Testimony Seminars Bookstore

These printable Bible Study Lessons are FREE, but your donation helps to support this ministry

Sermon Outlines, Free Bible Studies Lessons, Christian Audio
Podcasts, Materials, Poetry From Ken Birks of Straight Arrow Ministries

Sermon Outlines, Free Bible Studies and Audio Podcasts & more are currently available

Bible Study Lessons

If you are interested in hosting a Seminar or having Ken speak at your Church, please fill out the "Speaker Interest Form"
Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your Countenance - Psalm 89:15
The sermon outlines, Bible studies, lessons and other free sermons central materials are from a Spirit-filled, faith perspective. The audio sermons are messages that have been preached over the past thirty years or so of which are still very relevant for today's Christian and have now been made available in WMA & MP3 formats.  Please avail yourself to these edifying faith messages. You will find them very encouraging as they serve to strengthen your faith in God.  May God bless you as you press into the high calling of God!
Menu Sowing Seeds of Faith is Dedicated to Biblical Teaching

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About Ken Birks

Ken & Lydia Birks 2018

Ken Birks is an ordained Pastor/Teacher/ Author in the Body of Christ.He was the Sr. Pastor of Golden Valley Christian Center in Roseville CA for 12 Years.  He has been a born again Christian for over 40 years and is now semi-retired, focusing on writing and also serves as a wedding and funeral officiant in the Sacramento Region. Ken has been marriied to his wife, Lydia for 40 years plus.

Pentecostal Sunday Sermons

Pentecost, Holy Spirit Inspired Sermons

Daily Devotionals that Inspire

Funeral Officiating Services by Ken Birks


January 2021 Newsletter 

Wedding Officiating Services by Ken Birks
Wedding Officiant Services by Ken Birks
In-Sync With God

Biblical Teaching
  • Sermon Outlines
  • Bible Studies
  • Audio Sermons
  • Podcasts
  • Ministry Resources
  • Christian Materials
Items of Interest

Statement of Faith
Ken's Bookstore
Devotional Poetry


2nd Comimg of Jesus

Youth Bible Studies

Featured Sermon
God's Playbook

God's Playbook

Christian Devotional Books
Start your New Year on Track with a Good Christian Devotional Book
Click here now for Complete Info and Pricing

This Website is Dedicated to Biblical Teaching
This website is dedicated to providing you with the truth that is needed for your life and ministry to become all that GodC has destined for you.

Teaching Ministry of Ken L Birks

Truth is one of the most powerful weapons we possess in the spiritual arsenal God has given to us to deal with the enemy. Unfortunately truth has fallen in the streets and has been replaced by the lies of the devil. The truth of God's Word will enable you to be properly equipped and to equip others to wage spiritual warfare against the enemy of our faith.

Download the Current Newsletter
New Stuff by Pastor Ken L. Birks
Click on Pictures Below

Biblical Devotional Poetry
Biblical Seminars by Pastor Ken L. Birks
Biblical Devotional Poetry Seminars by Pastor
 Ken Birks
Ken has also put together a number of seminars designed to bring health and maturity to local churches. Click on the links above for complete information and how you can have Ken speak at your church. Join our mailing list above by staying connected to all that is going on with Straight Arrow Ministries.

Ken Birks has written a masterpiece of superb continuity. Each daily devotional, along with the poem, and special prayer, became my favorite in the whole book – until I read the next one. The majestic flow from theme to theme contains powerful prophetic revelation, as God calls His end-time warriors to arise. I was also amazed by the poems that followed each devotional – the words were Davidic and musical – they flowed like a deDlightful stream with heavenly impartations. – Edward Becker
New Feature
Daily Devotionals

Click here to visit the FB Group Page
Daily Devotionals that Inspire

Pastors, this is a great place for finding good Sermon Material

Check out Ken's New Book
Now Available at Amazon

Rise of the Anointed Ones

The “Rise of the Anointed Ones” is a 40-day devotional book that perfectly fits our present times. As you read through the 40 devotionals, you will find a beautiful blend of timeless truths fitly applied to today’s culture and challenges. The majestic flow from theme to theme contains powerful prophetic revelations as God calls His Anointed Ones to rise. Each of these devotionals stands on its own, but together they will propel the reader into a rewarding journey of experiencing God’s presence in tumultuous times.

Sermon of the Month
Give Your New Year a Kick Start
Featured Products - Journey Manuals and Perspectives' Manuals

Two Great Offers Including the NEW Course by Ken - The Journey

Click here for more information & how to orderBiblical Perspectives Course

This course features lessons that are designed to give you a solid Biblical foundation in the elementary truths of God's Word. They are designed with three things in mind - building a doctrinal foundation, developing godly character in your life and helping you discover and find the destiny and purpose God has for your life.

Click Here Now to order this Manual today along with the companion Student Manual

 The Journey Class with Workbooks

This class is based on Ken's new book,
 "The Journey - Discovering the Invisible Path"

Whether you are just starting out on your journey, anywhere in the middle, or have become detoured and lost your way, this practical workbook will help shine the light on the invisible path that not only leads to God's goodness and experiencing His kingdom within, but also to the greatest adventure of our life. 

If you are a pastor or teacher, this is a great class to take your people through in ten lessons. It also comes with a Student manual.

Click Here Now to order this Manual today along with the companion Student Manual

Journey Class Workbooks 

For more information on how you can download samples of these manuals to see what a typical
Bible lesson looks like as well as the Table of Contents, click on the links or graphics above.
Featured Top Ten Items
  1. Discovering & Fulfilling Your Destiny
  2. Becoming A Great Lover of God
  3. The Healing Covenant
  4. Overcoming the Rejection Syndrome
  5. Word & Spirit - Partners in Purpose
  6. Developing a Strategy of Humility
  7. Spirit Filled Living-Live on the Edge
  8. Becoming a Follower of Christ
  9. Striving For Moral Excellence
  10. We Are Stewards - Not Owner

The Top 10
Downloaded Bible Studies
Click Here

  1. The Beauty of God's Grace
  2. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
  3. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  4. The Healing Covenant
  5. Unlocking the Mysteries of the Godhead
  6. Majesty of Who God Is
  7. Predestination & Foreknowledge
  8. Water Baptism
  9. Divintiy of Jesus
  10. Satan's Origin and Fall

The Top 10
Sermon Outlines

Click Here

  1. Dealing with Strongholds
  2. Developing Faith Muscles
  3. Healing for the Wounded Spirit
  4. Faith's Confession
  5. Overcoming Rejection Complex
  6. Getting into God's Playbook
  7. The Healing Covenant
  8. Striving for Moral Excellence
  9. Balance of Grace & Holiness
  10. LIving the Abundant LIfe
The sermons on this site are sorted by category. These categories include topics such as Christian Life Messages, Christian Essentials, Prayer Messages, Breaking Free, Character Building Messages and Spiritual Warfare Messages. Every sermon listed on this site can be downloaded in either PDF or Microsoft Word formats. If you intend to edit the sermon, it is recommended you download it in Microsoft Word format. This site has many of the sermons available as audio files as well, so you can listen to the original sermons themselves.
Pastor Ken Birks' Bio
Click here for to view Ken's Bio

Ken’s primary gift is that of a Bible Teacher who teaches the Word of God with passion and balance. He has an intense desire to impart a genuine love and appreciation for God’s Word and to teach and preach God’s word in way that helps to shape and influence the minds and hearts of God’s people towards their destiny while producing good Christian character.

What Others are Saying - Recommendations and Comments

Below are just a few of the comments I have received concerning this site.
For more comments and recommendations

Please Click Here

  • I just want to thank you for your web site and sharing your blessings that God gave you with us.
  • God has blessed you with a special gift, Thanks again for sharing it with us.
  • This is a fantastic site and I believe millions will be helped, inspired and saved from this site.
  • I thoroughly enjoy your web site.  It is a wonderful free site of which there aren't many free ones. 
  • This is my first time visiting your web site and I can truly say my soul was blessed listening to the message on
    "Dealing with Strongholds"
  • What a great resource you have compiled on your web site.  I can see you have put a lot of work into it. 
  • You are awesome at pulling scripture and thought together.
  • I sat down this morning to look up online sermons.  I found your site and listened to "The Ruts of Life" sermon.  It was very uplifting. 

Sacramento Wedding Pastor | Seminars by Ken Birks | Youth Bible Studies | Jesus on the Cross | Salvation Steps | Journey - Invisible Path | Site Map | Wedding Officiating
 Menu | New Year Message | Sacramento Wedding Venues | Suicide: What the Bible Says | Sacramento Wedding Minister - Weddingwire | Salvation - Saved | Christianity
Adventures of Space and Hobo Book | Vietnman Drug Use | Hippies Saved | Hitchhiking Stories | 539th Phu-Loi, Vietnam | Anti-War Movement, Vietnam

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