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Soteriology Bible Study Sermon Outlines,
Audio Message and & More
From Pastor/Teacher, Ken Birks

These Bible study lessons, outlines, online studies, podcasts and materials are free and
available in PDF and Word Formats for the encouragement of the Body of Christ


Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your Countenance - Psalm 89:15
The Bible refers to our common salvation experience as a great salvation, a salvation that Old Testament prophets and
righteous men and even angels have desired to look into, but could not experience
Hebrews 2:3, Matthew 13:16-17 & 1 Peter 1:10-12
Menu Soteriology Bible Study from Ken Birks

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About Ken Birks

Ken Birks is an ordained Pastor/Teacher in the Body of Christ and is one of the staff pastors at The Rock of Roseville in Roseville, California where he also functions as an elder.  Ken has been a part of The Rock of Roseville Church since its inception in 1997. Before becoming a part of The Rock of Roseville, Ken was the Sr. Pastor of Golden Valley Chrstian Center in Roseville, CA. He has been a born again Christian for over 35 years.

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In the study of Soteriology we see that the Bible refers to our common salvation experience as a great salvation, a salvation that Old Testament prophets and righteous men and even angels have desired to look into, but could not experience - Hebrews 2:3, Matthew 13:16-17 & 1 Peter 1:10-12

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The Components of This Great Salvation.

1. Salvation is For Everyone

It is because He died for all that we can claim for ourselves and confidently extend to others the right and title to sonship and salvation through Christ, and live in a state of blessed assurance. The following scriptures make it very clear that Christ died for every person.

It is important for us to understand that predestination does not teach who should be saved and who shouldn't be saved, but simply teaches that God has determined or predestinated that each person who is born again by the Spirit of God will be adopted into His family and will be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ completely at His appearing.

2. Salvation Comes Through Blood of Jesus Christ.

Under the Old Covenant in the Old Testament salvation came through the sacrificial blood of lambs and goats. When John the Baptist came on the scene, He introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world - John 1:29

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by Ken Birks

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The Adventures of Space and Hobo tells the story of Ken’s vagabond life after Vietnam. It explores the on-the-ground confusion and chaos of the Vietnam War and its effects on a generation, and those who served. Named Space by a new friend, Hobo, Ken and his traveling companion hit the road as train hoppers to partake of all the possibilities of that generation in search of adventure and uncharted experiences. They were looking for what was real, authentic, and the invisible mysteries behind it all. The story takes us step by step along the path of an awakening of a lost soul, on his way to finding understanding of himself, his path, and the meaning of his life.

3. Why Jesus is the Only Way to Salvation.

We see in Scriptures that it is very clearly stated that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation for mankind. What is it about Jesus that separates Him from all other religions or spiritual figures? - John 14:6

4. Salvation is a Free Gift from God to Us.

We must realize that salvation is a free gift from God and that there are no amount of good works we can do to earn it. It's Free! - Ephesians 2:8-9

Salvation has nothing to do with whether we deserve it or not. It is not based on how good we are or have been. It is a free gift of God’s unmerited favor being bestowed upon our lives in spite of ourselves. It is totally based on our belief in the person of Jesus Christ is and who we believe Him to be.

5. Salvation is based Upon Our Belief in Jesus Christ.

We must come to the place where we believe and confess what Jesus Christ has accomplished for our salvation - Romans 10:9-10

6. Salvation Demands Repentance and Obedience to God’s Word.

Repentance and obedience to Jesus and the Word of God are absolutely necessary in the salvation experience, because Jesus has become to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation - Hebrews 5:9

7. The Salvation Package – What is Included.

Salvation is much more than just being saved from Hell and going to Heaven. It involves every aspect of our lives, spirit, soul and body. When we are born again by God’s Spirit, we become partakers of His Divine Nature, which brings us into a rich inheritance. - 2 Peter 1:2-4 -

The Full meaning of The Words " Saved and Salvation".

The Greek words for “saved” and “salvation” are "Sozo" and "Soteria", which mean to save, deliver, protect, heal, preserve, to do well, be or make whole and rescue or safety.

The chart below shows you how these two words are translated in the New Testament

Health Survival
Do Well
Acts 27:34
Acts 14:9
2 Timothy 4:18
John 11:12
Mark 5:23
Luke 8:36
Be whole
Made whole
Saved – Save
Matthew 9:21-22
Mark 6:56
Mark 8:35, 16:16
Romans 1:16
Mark 10:52
Mark 15:30-31
Romans 1:10
2 Timothy 3:15
Luke 8:48-50
Luke 9:56
2 Timothy 3:15
Luke 18:42
1 Corinthians 1:21
1 Timothy 1:15, 2:15
James 5:15
Mark 16:16

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Please note that the views expressed by Ken Birks are not necessarily the views held by The Rock of Roseville