Jesus uses the power of His resurrection
reveal veal His full nature.
The week of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection was a week that began with tremendous excitement and great expectations for these early followers of Christ. The followers of Jesus were ready to crown Him as their King, only to have all of their hopes and expectations crushed because of His death. They were unable to grasp the significance of what was taking place. Their belief in Christ was so shattered that even after His resurrection they were slow to believe.
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All of Jesus' disciples and other followers forsook Him, one betrayed Him and one denied Him.
Matthew 26:56 says they all forsook Him.
They had lost hope in the One who came to redeem them from the curse of the law. Peter was mired in self-pity and despair.
Matthew 26:75 says he went out and wept bitterly.
They had given up all to follow Christ and now they were filled with bitterness and total disillusionment. They no longer had the direction or meaning to life that they had experienced during the 3 1/2 years they had been with Jesus. They were now lost and without hope. They were in need of a Savior. But all of this was about to change because of the resurrection of Christ – if only they would dare to believe once again.
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Ken Introducing all of his books