outlines and audio messages below are about our
commitment to moral excellence. The need for the
church to exhibit a sense of moral excellence to the
world is a critical need in the world which we live.
We are living in an hour in which wickedness and a
lack of morality is on a continuing increase.
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for Sermon Outlines for
Moral Excellence
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by clicking the links below in PDF or
Word formats
Spritual Warfare and Moral Excellence - Three Messages
Striving For Moral Excellence - Word
- PDF The Foundation of Truth &
Righteousness -
Word -
PDF Impacting Kids for Moral
Righetousness -
Word -
We live in a world that condones and promotes sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, abortion and filthy and coarse language. Our
culture is plagued by murder, teen age pregnancies, gang violence, drug usage and many other ills. All of which I have just mentioned is flaunted flagrantly through music, television, movies, books, magazines and other media sources. And if all of this is not enough, judgment and justice are compromised too. We are seeing criminals go free because of the corruption of our justice system.
Ecclesiastes 3:16 Moreover I saw under the sun: In the place of judgment, wickedness was there; and in the place of righteousness, iniquity was there.
It takes a person of valor to stand against this tide of wickedness and moral depravity that is sweeping our land. Unless we are committed to moral excellence, we too shall be swept up in this tide of wickedness. We must be people with the strength of mind or spirit that enables us to encounter the culture in which we live with a firmness that results from a commitment to moral excellence. This is something we have all been called to do.
If we are to meet the challenge of becoming morally pure in a society that is morally bankrupt, we must understand and build into our lives the foundation for moral excellence. If we are to raise godly children, who will grow up to be mature adults, abounding in moral excellence this foundation must be firmly laid in their lives.
The foundation that I am referring to is that of truth and righteousness.